The Duo Pendu is a young aerial rope duo formed by Adèle Didelez and Solune Laurent. They met during their studies at the Academy of Circus and Performance Art in Tilburg, Netherlands. Their collaboration emerged from a common will to explore the rope together and to create shows bearing meaning and emotions.
Adèle Didelez discovered circus at the age of nine in a circus school in Brussels. Passionate about the circus world, she started her professional education at the Academy of Circus and Performance Art in Tilburg with aerial rope as her main discipline. She also became part of the Simio Kollektiv as acro-dancer during her final study year.
Solune Laurent spent his first years of life under the circus tent of the circus company Les Oiseaux Fous. He started his training at the age of fifteen as an aerial rope artist at FLIC, circus school of Turin, Italy. Then he joined the circus school Les Noctambules in Nanterre, before joining the Academy of Circus and Performance Art in Tilburg.